


To clarify employee expectations related to on/off the job drug and alcohol use, and to clarify the administrative programs that discourage 药物使用/abuse through staff 意识和原因测试. 

博天堂官方特别禁止使用,非法分发或非法持有 of alcohol, illegal drugs or other unauthorized controlled substances on its 属性, 控制区域,或作为其活动的一部分. 具体来说,这条行政法规 prohibits the possession or use of marijuana products on any campus, or campus controlled 属性.  这项禁令包括在非工作期间使用这类物质 time (such as personal meal/break time) or while otherwise performing their work duties 离开学校,如果这样使用可能导致工作障碍.  这项禁令 also applies to employees traveling over-night for college related functions who may be called upon or responsible for student related services, as impairment may inhibit service quality and may cause potential liability under the college’s liability and 工伤保险政策. 包括在这个禁令是合法的 非法或不正当取得之管制物品. 这个行政 rule does not prohibit the possession and proper use of lawfully prescribed or physician-recommended 按照处方或建议服用的药物.

 禁止在校园或与学校有关的活动中使用毒品和酒精,除非 as they relate to the teaching/learning process, or as specifically allowed and sanctioned by 行政法规5045-01-使用学院设施及食物/会议服务.  “高校相关函数” 工作相关的活动或聚会是否产生特定的工作产品 作为雇佣条件的雇员在哪里.   这将不包括 gatherings where attendance is purely voluntary in nature, no work agenda is pursued 并且不会生成任何工作产品.  

 All employees and/or sponsors of any on-campus or College-sponsored activity or social 提供酒精饮料的活动必须遵守所有适用的法律. 赞助商 必须获得并遵循适用的程序.

 1988年的《博天堂官方网站》要求学院的任何雇员 has been convicted of a violation of the statute involving illegal drugs shall notify 在刑事定罪后五天内向人力资源总监提交 conduct giving rise to the conviction occurred on campus or while the member was engaged 参加由学院主办或与学院有关的活动. 学院应该做出 法律可能要求向政府机构提交的任何报告. 预计 any employee who observes or has knowledge of another employee being in a condition which appears to be impaired, presents a hazard to others, or otherwise is in violation of this policy, to report that fact immediately to their supervisor or Human Resources.

As part of the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, the College has established a drug and alcohol awareness program to inform members of the College community about: the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse; the College policy on drugs and alcohol use; available alcohol and drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; 以及违反这一政策可能会受到的惩罚.

The College encourages employees who use illegal drugs or who abuse alcohol to seek 适当的援助. 参加任何赞助的博天堂官方的员工和/或家属 group health plan receive benefits for drug and alcohol abuse as mandated by Oregon 法规.

 The Drug and Alcohol Prevention Committee has responsibility for developing, coordinating 实施一项全面的博天堂官方药物和酒精滥用预防方案. 这 团队由学生行为和留校经理管理. 

鼓励员工提供最优质的服务,并促进 safety and health of staff, under certain circumstances, as outlined below, the college may require employees to submit to a confidential, third-party drug / alcohol screening.

  1. 合理原因测试
    如果有合理的情况,博天堂官方保留要求进行药物或酒精测试的权利 suspicion that an employee may be either using or under the influence of drugs and/or 工作时饮酒.  “合理怀疑”是客观的、事实的、个性化的 basis for concern, such as when an employee’s observed behavior or physical appearance 暗示使用毒品和/或酒精或拥有毒品和/或酒精.  例子 在下列情况下,可能需要进行测试:
  1. Observable phenomena (actual use or possession), including credible reports of either 在职或非在职场合使用.
  2. Abnormal behavior not satisfactorily explained by circumstances not attributable to 药物使用.
  3. 在雇主工作时间发生的涉及机动车辆或学校设备的事故 results in property damage, injury or loss of human life (see post-accident testing 下图).

 If, after an initial discussion with the employee, the College has reasonable suspicion 员工可能违反了本政策,员工可能会被要求 提交给保密的第三方测试,以确定是否存在或使用 要么是酒精要么是毒品.  博天堂官方有权决定是否合理 存在对检测的怀疑.

B.  事故后测试
任何涉及或以其他方式造成与工作有关的事故的员工,导致 对员工、学生、职员或其他人员造成人身伤害,需要医疗救助 treatment by a physician or by hospital/clinic medical personnel, and whose behavior 可能造成或促成了事故,可能需要服用酒精 and/or drug test immediately following the accident or at the time of initial treatment 被一个医疗机构.

Any employee involved in or otherwise causing an accident resulting in what 博天堂官方 deems 雇员在工作期间对博天堂官方财产或他人财产造成重大损害 从事大学业务可能需要进行酒精和/或药物测试.  Also, "near miss" incidents, where there is no personal or physical damage or injuries may be evaluated and 博天堂官方 will make a determination as to whether or not to test for 任何或所有涉事员工的毒品或酒精.

To ensure strict confidentiality of all test results and the privacy of all employees, all communication concerning drug and alcohol testing, sample collection, test results, employee notification and discipline, will be handled by an authorized representative of the College Human Resources Department, the third party administrator or the employee 援助计划.

如果结果是肯定的,医疗审查官(MRO)将联系 员工在通知学院结果之前.  MRO会讨论任何药物 prescribed by the employee’s physician that may have affected the result of the test. 

 In the interest of employee safety and health, any employee with a verified positive test may be removed from performance of duties and advised of an available substance abuse professional (SAP) to evaluate and help resolve any substance abuse issues that 可能存在.  随后,对导致违规的情况进行调查 将由人力资源部进行.

根据事实导致本行政违规行为的发现 rule, employees may be referred to the Employee Assistance Program for further evaluation and treatment and/or may face disciplinary 行动 up to and including suspension or 放电. 违规的性质和严重程度将决定纠正的程度 行动. 根据联邦法律的要求,学院保留推荐员工的权利 根据违法行为的严重程度进行起诉. 除了任何纪律 行动 that may be taken against individuals, any College-sponsored or College-supported groups that condone or encourage violations of this policy may be subject to discipline 也可能是解散.

任何拒绝接受药物或酒精测试的员工都可能被一名 SAP许可.  这样的员工可能会被安排行政休假 SAP的评估结果.  这样的员工可能会受到纪律处分 包括暂停或开除的行动.  拒绝接受测试包括: 但不限于:

  1. 未提供样品或不当拖延样品的.
  2. 未能留在测试地点直到测试完成.
  3. 篡改标本或采集程序的.
  4. Leaving the scene of an accident without a valid reason before tests have been conducted.

Refusal to submit to testing will bring the same consequences as a positive result, 包括上述的纪律处分.  任何从事安全工作的雇员 sensitive position who refuses to submit to testing will be immediately removed from 任何安全敏感职责.

DATE (S) OF REVISION(S): 6/7/12; 1/10/18; 1/6/22